Showing results for: octatrack

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By chapelierfou
Inspired by Elektron Octatrack's "scenes" feature.
1185 0
Elektron Transporter1.0
By Airyck
A simple patcher which allows you to control the Ableton Liv...
559 4
Clip Shifter1.0
By stuartm
Rather simple device for selecting different parts of a clip...
655 1
Octatrack MIDI Ctrl1.0
By Hetan
Use this patch to controll your Octatrack.
Put it in a mi...
775 2
By pvdn
Arpektron is an arpeggiator based on the ones found in Elekt...
2565 1
M4L XY Circle Control2.0
By egnouf
XY Circle Control V2.0 (21th march 2015)
3755 15
M4L SRR-BRR Step Sequencer1.3
By egnouf
SRR BRR Step Sequencer V1.3 (23th september 2013)
2435 0
M4L Step Filter0.9
By egnouf
Step Filter V0.9 (10th september 2013)
2685 0
M4L Drum Box3.3
By egnouf
Drum Box V3.3 (20th May 2013)
6651 29