Device Details


Name | Version: Casiochord 1.0
Author: randomknobs
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Ableton Max for Live instrument device which brings you the sound and functionality of vintage Casio PT-20 synthesiser chord section. The root notes (major chords in case no modifiers are used) are controlled by notes C3 to B3, and modifiers are by C4 to G4.

Additional MIDI device which allows to input those midi notes from US language computer keyboard is also in the pack, just route its channel midi out to Casiochord instrument channel, make sure the small keyboard icon is not active in the upper right corner and enjoy the device even without midi keyboard, while producing on the go. Just don't forget to record enable both channels and click on the window of the midi device before you start playing.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Jul 12 2023 11:51:43
Date Last Updated: Jul 12 2023 12:04:25
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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