Device Details
Name | Version: | MIKADO Scenes Kontrol and Monitor V7 1.0 |
Author: | spiralune |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Update V7 LIVE 10 & MAX 8 Patcher size reduce for MacBook or PC Portable screen Scènes Kontrol Monitor Monitor scene name: curent, next, preview, PERSISTANT SAVE ET RELOAD TEXTE WITH SCENE YOU CAN REORGANISE SCENE ORDER WITOUT LOSE TEXT Put on midi track just select a scene , clic reset type a text " " and clic save .. you can change text any time just clic save ------------------------------------------- receive MIDI IN PROGRAM CHANGE from midi keybord to recall SCENE ((block ProgChange = do not send to instruments rack and vst in a chaine )) and ASSIGNABLE PREVIEW NEXT SCENE PROG CHANG 0 IS ALWAY TRIG FIRST SCENE progchange 3 always trig scene 4 independently to her name now , you can drag and reorganise scene to assigne scene at a specifique external midi Program Change so only firts 128 scènes is usable with Program change prog= 0 to 127 Button assign to midi note or midi CC ((no noteoff)) if your controller need:: double clic to work corectly or clic once jump two scene when clic ""inc /dec "" from contrroller try another .. button position is save with ableton ////////////////////////////////////////////// Good start for Use Ableton Live as Instrument for LIVE like Apple MainStage or brainspawn Forte 4 ------------------------- used in conjunction with this patch put just LEFT RACK INSTRUMENT with Chaine selector --------------------------------------------------- Revisited patch from zangpa previous Version Here |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.1 |
Max Version Used: | 8 |
Date Added: | Nov 05 2018 17:52:32 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 315 |
ⓘ License: | None |
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Device File: | MIKADO Scenes Kontrol and Monitor V7.amxd |
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