Device Details


Name | Version: MIKADO - Base SAVE Patch Preset with LIVE projet 2.0
Author: spiralune
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: HELP for Programmer

Need make Ableton Max Patch with

PRESET~ object

SAVEd With LIVE Project.. .als

Easly and Realy Effective !!

This patch is a Base "" PRESET~, PattStorage~, Pattr~ ""for programmer

Who want create FX audio , midi FX ,
utility or sequencer , mapping to live parameter ect ...

with PRESET save in ableton project
transparently ...

-Support Drag & Drop, Copy Paste
-Without losing PRESET~
-without need re-Open MAx for add new preset
-Preset~ is also Save in Ableton Preset Group Rack FX (.adg)

- - - - - - -

older Max Msp user =

i don't use " .JSON "
and no message Ask for save presets .json
when close Ableton Live project !!

- - - - - - -

and especially

don"t need clic EDIT DEVICE MAX !!! UNFREEZE !! Save

TO SAVE new"s PRESETs !!!

- - - - - - -

All Preset also save with Rack if you Group your patch In a RACK and save one preset ableton FX rack

- - - - - -

Try to Copie Paste , PATCHER with more Preset
to another Track ..
And you can see New Preset are Not lost

now you can add more new presets
and save new Preset ableton FX Rack .adg

Now clear all presets + re-save more news Preset
and save new Ableton preset FX Rack .adg

and Drag previous Saved .adg FX rack on new track ?

Cool and without re-Open MAX


Take Time to Analyse the setting of Object INSPECTOR
PRESET~ and PattStorage~ named= MFL


For your test , You can unfreeze , go to Presentation mode and COPIE PASTE
all patcher object to your patch AUDIO MIDI OR INSTRUMENT . amxd

If you need more parametrer
Save in Preset~ Object

juste create new Pattr~ Object with new name &
connect middle connector
to new button or dial or live grid ect....

if you want parameter mappable to midi controller
object inspector
parameter visibility select Automated and store



First Object is PRESET~
Clic = Recall

ALL PARAMETER Connect to PATTR~ with new Name
Save in preset


it also save with Rack if you Group your patch In a RACK
and save FX rack

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variety of parameter are used in this exemple:

One rotary DIAL~ looper RECORD Automation
Save in PRESET~
and sync with LIVE

Use "" iTable~ ""

((exp: Map to live parameter = send A / track 2
and Rec an Automation , and save a preset ))

and LIVETAB~ object for select Looper Length
also save in preset

Thanks AutoDial 1.1
Author: dric """


one LIVE GRID~ object

you can make a sequencer with pattern preset save

when you Save Live project or Instrument preset Rack


Multislider~ multi usage


Live Dial , Button and Fader

ect --------------------------------------------

((Warning , no sound generated , it's just an exemple
to Setting PRESET~ and PattStorage~ Object to better integration Of Your Patcher Preset in Ableton Live ))

and remember Max Limitation =
Only one Pattstorage is possible in one patcher

another exemple if you need Two or more Pattstorage~
and Preset~ object in a PAtcher




Live Version Used: 9.6.2
Max Version Used: 7.2.4
Date Added: Aug 18 2017 23:18:59
Date Last Updated: Aug 23 2017 06:28:04
Downloads: 471
License: None
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Device File: Base SAVE Patch with LIVE 2.amxd

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