Device Details


Name | Version: DLS Helper D 0.01
Author: synthesizerwriter
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: DLS_Helper_D is a utility designed to help the auditioning of drum sounds in .sf2 Soundfonts when using the Apple DLS Synth Au plug-in. There are two versions of the helper: the N version is for auditioning sounds (i.e. Notes), whilst the D version is for auditioning drums.

This 'Drum' version of the DLS_Helper only has the Automatic mode. The counter this time is for Note Numbers: the default from 35 to 81 to cover the defined General MIDI mapping. The keyboards shortcuts are different from the _N Note version, and are designed for the MacBook Pro keyboard layout. Backslash Runs or Stops the counter, whilst Forward Slash resets the count and replays that note.

The Rate rotary control sets the rate at which the drums sounds play, and there is the same Fixed/Random MIDI Velocity control as before. The final two controls allow the start and end note numbers to be set, which means that you can choose a sub-set of the GM mapping range if you wish. A programming error by me caused the Start rotary control to gain an unexpected extra feature - it repeats notes instead of skipping directly to the start, but I have left this in because it allows all sorts of interesting drum patterns to be produced. Consider it a serendipitous accident.


Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.1
Date Added: Jan 08 2017 07:38:34
Date Last Updated: Jan 08 2017 07:40:38
Downloads: 0
License: None
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Device File: MIDI_DLS_Helper_D_mr_0v01.amxd

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