Device Details


Name | Version: Violens Fuzz 1.0
Author: floszk
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Triple Fuzz Effect : classic disto/fuzz, octa-fuzz and fuzz synth. Use them independently or mixed together. DISFUZ one allows you to design sounds from soft distorsions to noiy clipped fuzzes. OCTAHARD acts as a kind of hard octaver and its signal can be send to the ZYNTH. This one tracks the pitch from audio input and use it to feed 3 oscillators with independent octaves options. When sending OCTAHARD to ZYNTH, its signal mixes with Audio In to produce perturbation and feedbacks leading to harsh noise or cool funky sounds. Low, Hi and Bandpass filters and Signal Windows are included on the different modules to display signals and help you shape some really cool waveforms.

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IMPORTANT : Because of the retune~ object you'll need Max 7 to run this device.

Click on the top left button to switch.
Distorsion amount applies to Disto Mode.
Gate and Amount applies to Fuzz Mode.
Reverb runs from 0 to 1000 ms, and is cut at 0 ms.
Drive runs from 0 to 10. Value at 1 means neutral drive.
Filter Slider : a Lowpass filter from 20 Hz to 20 kHz allows you to cut high frequencies.
Volume Mixer : amount of distorsion into the mix.
Solo : be careful with the volume level before clicking !

No distorsion here, only fuzz.
Octave runs from -4 to +4 (-48 semitones to +48 semitones).
Gate and Amount applies to Fuzz.
Reverb runs from 0 to 1000 ms, and is cut at 0 ms.
Drive runs from 0 to 10. Value at 1 means neutral drive.
Filter Slider : a Lowpass filter from 20 Hz to 20 kHz allows you to cut high frequencies.
Volume Mixer : amount of distorsion into the mix.
Solo : be careful with the volume level before clicking !

This module sends and amount of OCTA HARD signal into ZYNTH. The signal doesn’t pass trough the general mix, to monitor what is send you can click on the Solo button (for your hears and your audio system take care of the volume level !).
Delay runs from 0 to 1000 ms and is made to create messy feedbacks to be send to ZYNTH.
Filter Slider : a Bandpass filter from 20 Hz to 20 kHz allows you to filter a selected frequency band.

This module use the retune~ object from Max 7 to track the pitch from the audio input and to use it into a synth.
Gain in : adjust in function of your audio input.
Smooth : smooth the pitch tracking from 0 to 500 ms.
Three oscillators are available, with 4 waveforms (Sin, Saw, Tri, Square), that you can mix together and pitch thtrough Octave knobs.
Filter Sliders : a Lowpass and Hipass filters from 20 Hz to 20 kHz allows you choose between cuting high or low frequencies.
When using injection from OCTA HARD, the Gain In can be used to balance the mix between signal coming from audio input and signal from OCTA HARD.


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.5
Date Added: Aug 31 2015 18:54:02
Date Last Updated: Feb 19 2020 17:50:25
Downloads: 3
License: Commercial
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