Device Details


Name | Version: LooperCentral 2.1
Author: floszk
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Monitor and control up to 8 Ableton Loopers into the same window. Perfect for live performing and audio manipulation. It includes now a Replace feature !

• New feature !
- Loopers placed on Return tracks are now available through the track selector menu.

• Fixed bugs :
- volume problem due to plugin—plugout connexion in the window patch has been fixed.
- live.buttons act as toggle in midi mapping, so the « direct trigger » behaviour is now simulated, but the results leads to weird behaviour when using mouse or laptop trackpad again. We propose here 2 versions, one to be midi mapped, other one to be used with mouse. Try and make your choice accordingly to your needs !
- general design has been reorganized.
• New feature !
- « REPLACE » function has been added in parallel of classic « OVERDUB ».

We add a Replace function based on the Overdub functionality : replacement consists of overdubing with a 0% Feedback (100% replacement). So, additionaly to the original Overdub button on the Ableton Looper (not quantized) and to the Overdub button on the device (possibily quantized), we add a 3rd Overdub button that can be trigged freely or quantized, with a specific amount of replacement during a specified duration (beats, bars, notes, or ms/seconds) :
- If you set replacement amount to 0%, quantize to free, and behaviour to manual, it becomes the same button than the Overdub on the original Ableton Looper.
- If you set replacement amount to 0%, quantize to some value, and behaviour to manual, it becomes the same button than the Overdub button on the device.
- If you set replacement amount to 100%, it will not overdub but replace instead. With free/quantize and manual/auto, you can set if the overdub starts freely or quantized, and when it will stops : when pushing again the button on manual mode (it returns to play), or after a specified duration (beats, bars, notes, or seconds) in auto mode. And when the process is done, the general feedback value will return to its entered value.
Enjoy ! :)


A video about the version 2.0 :

A video about the version 1.0 :


• When we use the word "original", it refers to the Ableton Looper device and not to the LOOPERCENTRAL device.
• To improve all functionnalities
the Live General Transport should be running, even if you
don't use quantizations or clips.
• If you use midi mapping to control Loopers, it's better to map the original buttons rather than the LOOPERCENTRAL ones. ***Devices buttons provide additionnal controls that should not be the main ones.***
• All these little precautions are not due to device bugs : the Looper's behaviour and quantization features behind the API buttons are ambiguous and not all accessible trough Max. Looper is a complex and subtile effect, and a regular and deep practice should help you understand all subtilities. Please read the Live's documentation :)

Some parameters are not accessible trough the Ableton API for the moment, so they can't be monitored and controlled (but you can map them with midi) :
• Main multi-function button
• Looper BPM
• Length and ÷2 x2
• Record Menu (X bars ...) and Then Button

• Play / Stop : control the General Transport
• Led : will blink at each "strong" tick of the metronome (the "Tik" from the "Tik took took took ..." sequence).
• Tempo : monitor and control the General Tempo
• Set new Tempo : set value and transition time, then hit the button !

Shift-Click to save. Presets won't be saved when reloading, please use the Write/Load button to manage .maxpresets files.

Click to lock/unlock the floating window to the front plan.

Once your Live Set is configured, select Tracks that contains Loopers you want to monitor and control. Select the Looper position in your effect chain. If you add, remove or swap effects, don't forget to update the value. If you use many Loopers on the same track, set the next column to the same track and just change the device position accordingly :)
*** NOTE
The device provides monitoring AND control, so there is a feedback. So selecting the good track but the wrong device (other effect than looper, midi instrument etc...) could lead to immediate modifications of your settings ! Safe filtering by matching the device name will be implemented in the next update.

• Quantization
• Song Control
• Tempo Control
• Input-Ouput
Please read the Ableton Looper's documentation to fully understand these functions.

Monitor and control track's properties.

• Rec / Overdub / Play / Stop
• Play / Stop : toggle play-stop
• Arrows : Speed values -36 -24 -12 0 +12 +24 +36
These values will not be added to the Speed Dial value but will replace it. If you need this kind of result (the addition of dial+arrows), please use the original buttons instead.
• Free of quantize menu
Control buttons allows you to remote the Looper and are affected by these quantization settings ***that are not the same than the general ones from the Looper Menu***.
Original Quantization (from the "Looper Menus") will affect the original buttons (on the Looper), the Device Quantization will affect the device buttons.
• Reverse
This button monitors and controls the original Looper button and is linked to the original quantization setting.

The monitor pannel reproduces the Looper status (red, yellow, orange, black : recording / playing / overdubing / stopped). The Led will blink according to the Metronome ticks.
*** NOTE
UPLEDS button allows you to refresh the Leds (sometimes they can be some troubleshootings with sequenced blinking). Blinking is controlled by the metronome, so by the general signature, and actually these values are not well observed in real-time through the API.

Observe and control the original Looper speed value.


For more information please visit :


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.5
Date Added: Aug 24 2015 12:38:41
Date Last Updated: Feb 19 2020 17:51:15
Downloads: 3
License: Commercial
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Hey, looks just perfect for my needs.

It all seems to work with a standalone looper. But I have my loopers inside of a group/rack because of a particular routing I use and it doesn't seem to recognise the 'location' of the looper/device.

Is that a known issue when it's not on it's own?

Cheers, Reyn.
I'm having the same issues finding a device thats inside a group that is on a return track, any solution for that?

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