Device Details


Name | Version: JLunch for Novation Launchpad 1.0
Author: jrheaton
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Lights up your Novation Launchpad in user 1 mode with random colors at an interval you set(milliseconds) and with a ratio of note-off messages to note-on's, also set by you.

It serves no musical purpose, but is a lot of fun to make your Launchpad into a little light show!

1. Load the device into a MIDI track in Live 9.
2. Set the track's 'MIDI to' destination to be the Launchpad output.
3. Have fun. YOLO or something.


DISCLAIMER: I made this in about 30 minutes. It probably has bugs. So let me know, or fix them and send it to me! (The Max code is right there.)


Live Version Used: 9.0.1
Max Version Used: 6.1
Date Added: Mar 22 2013 03:34:48
Date Last Updated: Mar 22 2013 03:38:48
Downloads: 1543
License: None
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Device File: JLunch.amxd

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