Device Details


Name | Version: Paraphonic MIDI 1.0
Author: stev
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This free MIDI Effect allows you to simulate classic paraphonic synthesizers with polyphonic ones. It re-triggers all held notes every time you play a new one. This creates the illusion of having a shared single voice architecture on multiple oscillators, while keeping all of the other benefits of your polyphonic synths.

As a bonus I also added 2 other re-trigger modes which do a lot more than just mimic paraphonic synths. Choose between having note ons (default), note offs, or both re-trigger the held MIDI. When “Note Off” mode is selected, it kind of behaves like a polyphonic version of monophonic re-triggering. When “Both” is selected, unpredictable bleepy bloopy bubbly synths will ensue.

There’s also a pedal toggle, which controls whether notes held by the sustain pedal will also be re-triggered with the others.

Heaps of Bleeps


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jan 31 2025 18:47:08
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionShareAlike
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