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Member since: Jan 22 2020
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Devices by Marcus

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Comments by Marcus


Hi xanadu, you asked what controllers I use, lots, and I shift between projects, at the moment I use Push 2, touchAble Pro, X-Touch + Extender for the run of the mill stuff, and for the special delicate things I use Ipads with self made controller pages with TouchOSC controlled with ClyphX Pro bindings

Hi xanadu, thanks for taking a look, many have stubled over this isue, the only things I found that solved this partiately is the Ubermap script, which is made for Push exclusively, and xmonsta made a commersial vst wrapper for the Diva plugin that solved this, and further the PrEditor 2 from Isotonik, which at the moment is in closed beta to make it work for Ableton 11.

Same request as maxanic, if there could be a way to make all the vst parameters accessible (I need to controll a vst with more then 500), I would be so relieved and gratefull.

@ Quantizer
As far as I can tell it records a mouse click, and the mouse release.
Which action can be recalled with a button on the device afterwards.
Rather cool, I downloaded it for eventual later use when I like to activate something outside Ableton with Ableton.

But first I'm of with his/her MegaMorph and Varations Control,,
Thanks naerliona :)

Hi lqud, I love the device, but much of the led-feedback lights wont work.
I implemented the on/of switch on my Push2, and the lights work beautiful there, but not on my Push1, and on both the lights for the Trigger Clip function will not be regulated, could you please look into it ?

One small other thing is that the device will not remember the Push version after restarting, I really hope you can fix this, especially the color regulation,, best regards,, Marcus

Yep, here you can find it,, and here you can hear it,,, the Distortion is crazy, I like it :)

Great, thankyou!! I just send a message.

Hi, a Push user here (both), works flawless, thanks, only the names on the screen do not adopt to the names on the device, it's just knob 1 to 8, I would definitely pay for a commercial device that can do that, anyway,, great device.

Hi zaSLON, interesting device, should be very handy with surround work, does it also handle plugins ?
Kind regards, Marcus

Very nice design, and it sounds really beautiful, but sadly missing finishing touches and it's defective, and the complaints ignored..

I bought it, but it does not work at all, no audio passing through, I am using the latest version of Ableton on a Mac.

Hi Jaromir, I bought this bundle, and 4 out of 5 devices did not work well, or not at all. I am using the latest Ableton 10, on a mac. The delay and Filter do not pass audio at all, 1 verb only passes sound on 1 side, and the mini-filter works a bit, but with bad gui updates and the Freq slider which wont move most of the times, only the fox verb does as promised. I suspect that, as the fox verb was released last, that the others need an update. And further, the parameters can only be controlled with a mouse, it would be handy if the parameters also could be controlled with a controller like push. And last,, I wish the Freq parameter on the filters had better resolution to avoid zipper steps noise, I really love the sound you made with these devices, I hope you are able to spend some time on this,, With kind regards,, Marcus