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Username: Benoit
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Member since: Jul 04 2019
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Devices by Benoit

TCHelicon Voice Live Touch 2 Version 1.0

Total Downloads: 556

Comments by Benoit


Hey Anne,
To make it take the control of the VLT, make sur you created a track and set midi input/output devices and you use the channel expected by the VLT. Prefer using the USB cable as it allow midi output as the DIN cable only manages midi input to the VLT.
Make sur the monitoring is set to input mode.
First test if the Max4live device can change the VLT parameters and if the VLT can change the device parameters.
Then if it works, the problem lies on you foot controler MIDI configuration. It should be done according to the VLT MIDI contract implementation chart. You have to be fluent with CC messages.
I made it for the FCB1010, it works like a charm !

Thanks for your feedback.

The documentation for TCHelicon products are available on their site :

They contain the detailed information for midi implementation.

VLT1 : see page 27

VLT2 : see page 77

VLR : see page 78

As far as I know these three products are the only to provide full midi implementation. For example, voice live 3 and voice live 3 extreme (the last poducts) only provide limited midi controls.

A quick comparison make me think the VLT1 seems to be globally compatible to the VLT2 with a few restricted controls that are not provided in VLT1 (the previous version).
The Voice live rack has a lot in common, but some changes too, for example the transducer control has changed for CC103 to CC118.

If you want to make it work on vlt1 or vlr, I suggest first comparing these doc to find changes, and share this analysis.

Then it would be quick and easy for a max4live user to adapt this plugin for them, changing values with the max4live editor.

I do not own these products, so I prefer having this work done and tested by a product owner.

Hope this helps you.

Do not hesitate to send me feedbacks :-)