Device Details

Device Overview

Name/Version: Chord Generator 1.1
Author: nordmann  

Device Details

Downloads: 57166
Tags utility
Live Version Used: 8.2.2
Max Version Used: 5.1.8
Date Added: Sep 29 2011 11:17:48
Date Last Updated: Oct 13 2011 08:54:48
Average Rating (9) 5
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Device Type: midi_device
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License (more info): AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike

Device Files

Device File: Chord Generator.amxd


wow sounds good!

nice! one problem is that the random functions are triggered with note on and with note off, which is causing hung notes. I assume that is not intended behavior. Let me know if that is the intended behavior and I'll just modify the device to my tastes. Thanks for the device. Already creating a rack with a chord generator for every individual note. Then create TouchOSC template to control the rack.... fun!!

thanks for your comment. i will look into that and post a modified version soon. always feel free to modify the device nils

love device, but getting hanging notes too. unfortunately have no idea how to edit device myself, so look forward to modified version. thanks for all the hard work, awesome device

@ jrathkopf: the device works properly on my computer. do you still got the hanging notes? best nils

@nils: the problem with the random function causing hung notes has been solved. Thank You! I like the device alot and had similar functionality using racks and a bunch of ableton devices, but this is much more elegant and easier to use.

Another issue you may want to address: When using the Random function (only "tested" this with the Major/minor random button), one must be careful to only play one note at a time. Playing more than one note at a time sometimes causes hung notes. Playing multiple notes while all Random buttons are disabled works well, no hung notes.

Thanks again for the device!

thanks mr c. i'll have a look into the polyphonic problem and keep you guys updated.... thanks for all your comments to constantly improve the device....

Hi Nordmann
My name is mario and I write you from Madrid (Spain)
Excuse my english;is very limited.
Your creation (Chord Generator) is amazing!!!!
I have discovered it 2 days ago and I am exploring it and I am amazed.
I have found one problem and I don,t know how can I resolved it:
-I have Ableton Live 8.2.2 and Max for Live.
I insert Chord Generator into one midi track(Called 1) with for example Albino instrument virtual.
I create another midi track(called 2) to record the result of chord generator.Midi From 1-Albino Post FX and arm the track(red buttom)
If I insert before or after of chord generator ableton?s midi effects:pitch,random or scale the resulted of chord generator is recorded in midi track 2 on time,quantized but if I insert Arpeggiator ableton midi effect after chord generator the resulted is recorded into midi track 2 with delay,not quantized(on time).
Please;try you to do it and you will see this delay on the recorded notes.
How can i resolve this problem between Arpeggiator-Chord Generator?
Thank you

Hi Mario,
I tried your setup and didn?t have timing problems. Maybe you can try the tone row generator, I recently build instead of the arpeggiator.... sorry that I couldn?t help you.... maybe you can just quantize the recorded miditrack manually after recording...
Best Nils

Hi Nordmann
Thanks to your fast answer

oucccchhhh, many many thanks really a wonderful patch, for someone like who never learn playing piano.

Best Regards,


I have some modifications I'd like to have done to this device... Want the inversions and chord types directly midi mappable, a built in scale plug, remove the staff and a few other things. I'd be willing to donate funds to my cause. Please reply or contact me if you're interested. Thanks!

Dear jekblad, I don?t exactly understand what you want to do? Best, Nils

Can the scale plugin from live be used with this to keep the generated chord notes within that key?

I tried this with the A Major chord on the guitar:
A,E,A,C#,E and it omitted the second A (an octave up from the root.

This would be better if we could configure the chord any way we want by intervals (like the Chord Midi Effect in Live) starting from the lowest note, and leaving naming the note up to the user. I'm thinking of guitar here, with the possibility of muting strings (so in the above scenario, the low E would be muted).

Une r?sussite. Bravo nordmann ?

Love this so much. Grouped it & mapped the macros to change chords in real time for a really expressive and impressive generator. Nordman, I salute you.

Hello, When I use the plugin my Command Z function will turn into "All notes off" instead of "undo"

From doing. little digging I found that "all notes off" is a function when the stop butting is being hit 3 consecutive times. I don't see a way for the plugin to be sending the midi notes to spot and this accrues when Im using the plugin while the transport is off.

Wondering if they're a bug here or if I am missing something.

All in all I love it.

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